The Naruz Family purchased Toad Hall in 2006 from the estate of Larry and Bev Mason, who amassed a huge assemblage of books, records, and other collectables over a 30 year period. Originally, Larry was running Buffalo records on 7th Street and Beverly was running the book store, Toad Hall, just down the road. The two met, fell in love, married and fused stores. They moved their combined inventory to Broadway into the old Rockview Pharmacy, which was a much larger building than either of their other stores. Toad Hall has proudly called this present location "home" since 1980.

After Beverly's death, the store was closed for about a year and a half. We hated the thought of this miraculous store so full of history and cool merchandise being auctioned off, that we made an offer and crossed our fingers. Lucky for us, we are now the proud owners of Toad Hall. Everyday we try to continue the wonderful tradition set in place by Larry and Bev of being a fun and relaxing local place to shop for new and unusual music and books. This contiues to be possible because of our wonderful customers and supporters.


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